Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Frigates - My take on the various sub cap ships out there...

So, you are new to EVE and want to know more about ship types or you have played for a while and want to know what I think? Maybe you disagree and want to discuss. Great - the more informative the better!

I love frigates, especially for PVP and roaming around. There are so many types of frigates out there and they all serve a purpose. Yes there are some that people generally don´t fly, and for good reason, but others are great and if you pick your targets, you can take out much larger ships with a well fit frigate and some decent tactics.

I am not a great player, but by the use of available information, decent tactics and preparations one can be successful. One of the main strengths of the frigate is that it is fast, much faster than any other ship type in EVE. That gives you advantages, and the main one is that you can pick and chose your battles. Even low SP players can wreck havoc on the battlefield. The Minmatar Rifter is a powerful frigate. It is fast, agile, demands only low SP to work properly and most importantly, it is cheap so you can train your PVP skills by going out in them. Here is a nice starter fit :)

There are other standard frigates that are effective, but for the purpose, this is my favorite.

Moving forward you will get into Destroyers! Destroyers are in my opinion some of the funnest ships to fly. They have high DPS, good speed and some of them can even hit from afar. A Destroyer is a very capable PVP ship and it is inexpensive. My favorite standard Destroyer is the Trasher and my favorite advanced Destroyer is the Corax. You should read up on these and chose based on your weapon skills. A well trained Corax can hit with high damage light missiles from in the area of 100km but be just as efficient when closing the distance on your target! I tend to use a Destroyer when I leave 0.0 and head into low sec to lock for easy targets.

Here is a description of different Destroyers as described by the devblog;

Please share your favorite Frigates!

Introduction - Terion Ceravie

What can I tell you, it has been 10 years of EVE, 6 different accounts, loads of assets and amazing fun. And it still is fun. I have tried many other games, some I played for a while, some a bit more than a while and some for a day. But the fact remains, I always end up returning to EVE for long durations and right now, I can´t see that changing because dudes and dudettes, it is simply the best game!

This being the first post let me tell you a bit about my intentions with my blog. Through 10 years of gameplay, experiencing most aspects of the game on my various accounts I believe that I have a lot to share with the ever growing EVE community. Yes, there are loads of other people who also blog and not only that, has experience with the game, but I am sure there are many that don´t.

Nothing would please me more than this becoming an active, informative, somewhat funny and interactive blog.

Here are some of the aspects of the game that I am going to share my knowledge with you on;

Yes, as many others I have an active trading alt, actually I have more than one. Trading is a great way to make ISK in EVE Online and there are tips and tricks to make the endeavor profitable.

Yes, as many others I also do this trait. I currently have 4 freighters, a Jump Freighter, 2 Orca´s and several diffrent Transport ships. I also use a Tengu for those high risk, high value hauls to some of the darker areas in EVE.

Mission Running
Not my strong side, but I have done my share of mission running.

Here I have extensive knowledge. I have one specific toon that has seen it all, and plenty of it. I can talk about Solo PVP, low sec ganking, high sec banking, but most importantly, life in 0.0. Small gangs, large gangs, tactics, large scale fleet battles and capital fights and hot drops.

I am mining, moon mining, doing reactions, producing T1 and T2 stuff, R&D, Invention and more. Some of these are appealing to me and I enjoy and spend more time on it than other Industry things.

As I mentioned earlier, I started playing this game in 2003. Back then I spent most my time basing out of Khanid heading into Curse and Querious. I was part of a coalition called CFS (Coalition of Free Stars). We had this idea back then that 0.0 should be for all and our mission was to keep the 0.0 space in Querious safe for all to travel and live in. If anyone got attacked in Querious CFS would dispatch it´s navy and head out to place judgement on the guilty. Imagine that. Over time it did not work, but it was a noble cause at the time.

From there I spent alot of time in Stain with a well known corp back then called Everlasting Vendetta. From there I have been mostly in the North, with alliances like Pure., Razor, Mostly Harmless, Fatal Ascension and more.

Anyways, that was a long welcome post. Look forward to interacting with you all.
